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Eventual Determinism

Many programs benefit from strong guarantees on determinism, the property that when provided the same inputs, the outputs of the program are always the same. This is critical for consistency across replicated services. It is also extremely helpful for predictability, including consistency across identical runs (e.g. for testing or reproducibility.) Determinism is particularly tricky to reason about in distributed systems due to the inherently non-deterministic nature of asynchronous event arrivals. However, even when the inputs and outputs of a program are live collections, we can focus on the eventual state of the collection — as if we froze the input and waited until the output stopped changing.


Our consistency and safety model is based on the POPL'25 paper Flo: A Semantic Foundation for Progressive Stream Processing, which covers the formal details and proofs underlying this system.

Hydro thus guarantees eventual determinism: given a set of specific live collections as inputs, the outputs of the program will eventually have the same final value. Eventual determinism makes it easy to build composable blocks of code without having to worry about non-deterministic runtime behavior such as batching or network delays.


Much existing literature in distributed systems focuses on data consistency levels such as "eventual consistency". These typically correspond to guarantees when reading the state of a replicated object (or set of objects) at a specific point in time. Hydro does not use such a consistency model internally, instead focusing on the values local to each distributed location over time. Concepts such as replication, however, can be layered on top of this model.

Unsafe Operations in Hydro

All safe APIs in Hydro (the ones you can call regularly in Rust) guarantee determinism. But often it is necessary to do something non-deterministic, like generate events at a fixed wall-clock-time interval, or split an input into arbitrarily sized batches.

Hydro offers APIs for such concepts behind an unsafe guard. This keyword is typically used to mark Rust functions that may not be memory-safe, but we reuse this in Hydro to mark APIs with non-deterministic constructs.

To call such an API, the Rust compiler will ask you to wrap the call in an unsafe block. It is typically good practice to also include a // SAFETY: ... comment to explain why the non-determinism is there.

use std::time::Duration;

unsafe {
// SAFETY: intentional non-determinism
}.for_each(q!(|v| println!("Sample: {:?}", v)))

When writing a function with Hydro that involves unsafe code, it is important to be extra careful about whether the non-determinism is exposed externally. In some applications, a utility function may involve local non-determinism (such as sending retries), but not expose it outside the function (e.g., via deduplicating received responses).

But other functions may expose the non-determinism, in which case they should be marked unsafe as well. If the function is public, Rust will require you to put a # Safety section in its documentation to explain the non-determinism.

use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::time::Duration;

/// ...
/// # Safety
/// This function will non-deterministically print elements
/// from the stream according to a timer.
unsafe fn print_samples<T: Debug, L>(
stream: Stream<T, Process<L>, Unbounded>
) {
unsafe {
// SAFETY: documented non-determinism
}.for_each(q!(|v| println!("Sample: {:?}", v)))

User-Defined Functions

Another source of potential non-determinism comes from user-defined functions or closures, such as those provided to map or filter. Hydro allows for arbitrary Rust functions to be called inside these closures, so it is possible to introduce non-determinism that will not be checked by the compiler.

In general, avoid using APIs like random number generators inside transformation functions unless that non-determinism is explicitly documented somewhere.


To help avoid such bugs, we are working on ways to use formal verification tools (such as Kani) to check arbitrary Rust code for properties such as determinism and more. This remains active research for now and is not yet available.